How do I find the total dividend of an exchange?

Use Bloomberg (available in the Business Library).

In Bloomberg you will need to determine the field for the total dividend by using the FLDS search. Go to FLDS and search for "dividend".

You will also need the code for the exchange you are interested in -- e.g. S&P TSX (used in the example below).

Once you have the field for dividend (e.g. INDX_GROSS_DAILY_DIV) open Excel on a Bloomberg machine and input the following:

=BDH("SPTSX Index","INDX_GROSS_DAILY_DIV","1/1/2015","12/31/2015")

Note: the dates can be changed according to your parameters.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Jul 31, 2023     Views: 105

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