How do I find comprehensive country overview reports?

To find country reports, use the following databases:

Fitch Connect: Type the name of a country into the search box at the top of the page. Select the country under the “Entities” heading to access a detailed country profile including country and industry risk reports.

Economist Intelligence Unit: Use the Country search box to find country profiles.

EMIS Intelligence (to enter the full database select Client Log In in the top right corner, then check My full subscription and hit Continue): Click the Countries tab. Use the search box to look up a specific country.

Mergent Online: On the home screen see the "Country Profile" drop-down menu on the bottom right side of the page. Use the drop-down to select a country and a PDF profile will download.

Europa World Plus: Use the drop-down at the top of the page to select a country.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Country Profiles

International Monetary Fund eLibrary: Click the Countries drop-down and choose a country for relevant reports.

MarketLine Advantage (PESTLE analysis): Search for a country. In the search results screen, scroll down to the Country Profiles heading to see reports.

OECD (for OECD countries): For reports see the Browse by Country drop-down and select a country. For a statistical profile, click Statistics and scroll down to the "Indicators" heading, to the right of the heading click Country Statistical Profiles.

Nexis Uni: Use the "Guided Search" feature. Click Country Info. Then select a country, a source type, and search.

UNCTAD Stat Country Profiles: Select General Profile or Maritime Profile. Then use the menu on the right to choose a country.

Oxford Economic Country Briefings: Browse for a country.

Political Risk Yearbook: Click Political Risk Yearbook. In the "Country Report" drop-down select a country.

World Bank Data: Search for a country to see a statistical profile.

World Competitiveness Online: Click Countries in the top navigation menu and search or browse for a country.

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Please contact the Business library if you need further assistance.

Last Updated: Aug 25, 2023     Views: 202

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