How do I find government spending by country?

Fitch Connect: Select Data Tools in the top navigation menu. Choose the Interactive Charts option. Choose a country using the select entities/geographies option. For the data item select Macro-Economic and choose a government spending indicator. Next, select a date range, and finally a visualization option.

National Accounts of OECD Countries: Look in Volume II for a table on general government expenditure by function. Try also, the Central Government Spending chart. See the menu on the left for related charts.  

UN Data : Look for the National Accounts tables. 

MarketLine: Search [country] government spending (e.g. Canada government spending) in the search box and see the latest report under the "Industry Profiles" section. 

Statista: Search government spending. Use the "Countries & Territories " filter to limit results to a certain country. 

For Canada, see the GC InfoBase. It has infographics and data on how the government spends, who it employs, and how it measures its performance. 

For the United States, see USAspending. The official open data source of federal spending information. 

For the UK see HMT Public Spending Statistics

Many government have similar websites, try a search for [country] government spending (e.g. Australia government spending) using a search engine like Google. 

Please contact the Business library if you need further assistance.

Last Updated: Jul 25, 2023     Views: 76

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