How do I find London, Ontario and area business information?

London Economic Development Corporation. Includes a Data & Resources section.

City of London Start a Business in London, Ontario information page with links to additional resources.

To find statistics and data on London, Ontario:

Statistics Canada: Click Geography in the top navigation menu. Above the map, search for London, a surrounding community, or a smaller region within London. Then search or browse for data and analysis below the map.

Conference Board of Canada: Search London and look for "Metropolitan Outlook" and/or "Major City Insights" reports.

Statista: Search London, Ontario for statistics.

To find companies in London, Ontario:

Mergent Intellect: Click on the Advanced Search option. Then select the Location tab. Check the Include Canada Companies box. Click the City button, and search for London. Add London to your criteria. Add other criteria to your search as needed.

Nexis Uni: Under Menu choose Company Dossier. Then select Create a Company List. In the "Geographic Information" section. Change the "Regions/Countries" selection to Canada. Enter London in the "Cities" box, or use a postal code, area code, or street address. Add other criteria as needed and search.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Aug 01, 2023     Views: 190

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