Where can I find country profiles?

Economist Intelligence Unit: Use the Country search box to find country profiles.

Fitch Connect: Type the name of a country into the search box at the top of the page. Select the country under the “Entities” heading to access a detailed country profile including country and industry risk reports. 

EMIS Intelligence (to enter the full database select Client Log In in the top right corner: Click the Countries tab. Use the search box to look up a specific country.

MarketLine Advantage (PESTLE analysis): Search for a country. In the search results screen, scroll down to the Country Profiles heading to see reports.

Mergent Online: On the home screen see the "Country Profile" drop-down menu on the bottom right side of the page. Use the drop-down to select a country and a PDF profile will download.

OECD (for OECD countries): For a statistical profile, click Statistics and scroll down to the "Indicators" heading, to the right of the heading click Country Statistical Profiles. For reports see the Browse by Country drop-down and select a country.

UNCTAD Stat Country Profiles: Select General Profile or Maritime Profile. Then use the menu on the right to choose a country.

World Bank Data: Search for a country to see a statistical profile.

World Competitiveness Online: Click Countries in the top navigation menu and search or browse for a country.

Europa World Plus: Use the drop-down at the top of the page to select a country.

Oxford Country Economic Briefings: Browse for a country.

Political Risk Yearbook: Click Political Risk Yearbook. In the "Country Report" drop-down select a country.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Country Profiles

Capital IQ (available in the Business Library): Search for a country to see "Government Institution Profiles."

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library

Last Updated: Aug 25, 2023     Views: 267

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