How do I screen for companies with the same characteristics?

Use Mergent Online. Click Advanced Search. Choose from criteria headers - e.g. Corporate Information, Executives, Financial etc...After each selection click "submit".

Use Mergent Intellect. Use the Advanced Search feature. Choose various criteria including those from the company information, location, industry, size, financial information categories, and search by keywords.

Use Capital IQ (available in the Business Library) Choose Screening > Companies from the top navigation menu. Choose various criteria, and click "Add Criteria"  to generate a list of companies.

Use Bloomberg in the Business Library. Enter QSRC.

For companies in emerging markets, use the EMIS database. Click Client Log In in the top right corner, then click Continue to access the full database. Click the Companies tab. Then click the Create a companies list icon to use the "Quick Screener" tool.

Use Nexis Uni. Using the Menu drop-down, select Company Dossier. Then select Create a Company List.

For a free option, try Yahoo! Finance. In the top navigation menu click My Screeners and build a search.

Try Financial Times (create an account using your email) for equities. In the main menu select Markets > Markets Data. Then at the top of the page select Equities. Click the "Or use the Equity Screener" button then input your criteria.

For private company information (primarily U.S. but some Canadian) see PrivCo. Use the advanced search feature (Magnifying glass icon). Select criteria from the menu on the left to generate a list of relevant companies.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library


Last Updated: Jul 26, 2023     Views: 166

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