How do I find a listing of SIC or NAICS Codes and other industry classifications?

NAICS Association: Search for a NAICS or SIC code by entering a keyword, or using the drill-down feature.

Statistics Canada: Search for a NAICS code by entering a keyword, or browse using the "Classification Structure." Search for a NAICS code by entering a keyword, or browse the NAICS manual.

OSHA: Search SIC codes by keyword, or browse them by clicking the blue SIC Manual button in the top right corner of the page. 

Mergent Intellect: Click Advanced Search. On the advanced search screen, select the Industry tab. Browse and select industries by SIC, NAICS, and HIC codes.

Mergent Online: Click Advanced Search in the top navigation menu. Then select the Industry Codes tab. Add one of the NAICS, SIC, or ICB options. Then select Use [NAIC, SIC, ICB] Lookup and drill down to the appropriate industry. 

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library

Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023     Views: 1295

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