How do I find data on consumer demographics and buying behavior?


Statistics Canada:

  • See the latest Census Profiles 2021: Search by place name or search a postal code to see demographic tables for corresponding geographic levels from province/territory to small dissemination areas.
  • Search using the StatsCan GeoSearch tool.
    • Use the map to zoom in to a location or search a location name/postal code using the search bar
    • Scroll below the map to view data and analysis on the area specified in the map including census profiles

SimplyAnalytics (for Canadian Information):

  1. Sign in as a guest, or create an account to save work.
  2. Select New Project and enter a location (e.g. London, ON)
  3. Select Create project without seed variables
  4. Select the Map view by clicking “Create”
  5. Choose a variable of interest from the Data menu (e.g. Household Income)
  6. Select Done to create the map using the selected Location and Data
  7. Zoom in or out to see different geographic regions from large provinces to small dissemination areas
  8. Select the “i” icon and click a geographic region to see the specific value for mapped data rather than a range   

Social Explorer: Provides access to current and historical United States census data and demographic information.

Buying Behaviour


  • Keyword search for a topic or demographic group.

  • Click the Reports drop-down in the top navigation menu, and select Country Reports. Search for geographic regions including countries, provinces/states, cities, and more for demographic/consumer reports.

  • Try using the Global Consumer Survey. Click Global Survey at the top of the home page. Choose Industries & Topics for pre-set tables (which can be customized), then use the country drop-down to choose a specific location to examine. Or choose Countries & Territories from the opening menu and build your own table.

Mintel Reports: For reports analyzing market drivers, sizes and trends, market segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits.

  • Search by keyword. Use the Demographics filter to limit reports to those dealing with a particular group of consumers. 

  • Under Analytics at the top of the homepage, click Consumer Data to access interactive databooks featuring consumer data from Mintel reports. Within these books click "Explore Demographics" for more information.

RKMA: Current reports on consumer behavior and consumer marketing. The reports include information on a variety of different demographics groups. 

Fitch Connect: Select Data Tools in the top navigation menu. Choose the Interactive Charts option. Choose a country using the select entities/geographies menu. For the data item select an indicator from Industries > Consumer & Retail or Industries > Operational Risk. Next, select a date range and finally a visualization option. 

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library.


Last Updated: Mar 07, 2024     Views: 1263

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