How do I find information about insiders or insider trading?

Mergent Online: Search for a company to access its profile. In the company profile, click the Ownership tab. Then choose the Insiders or Insider trades sub-tabs. 

Pitchbook: Search for a company to access its profile. In the company profile, click Ownership in the menu to the left. On the Ownership screen click the Insider tab. 

Factiva: Click Companies/Markets in the top navigation menu. Search for a company to access its company snapshot. In the snapshot, select Ownership from the menu on the left. Scroll down to see information on Insiders. 

Nexis Uni: Select Menu > Company Dossier from the top of the screen. Search for a company. In the company dossier, select SEC filings and choose Insider Trading Files. 

For Canadian information, view the public access filings on System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI). 

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): 

  • In the command line, type a ticker symbol, then hit the Equity key, type PHDC, and hit <GO> (e.g. AAPL US <Equity> PHDC <GO>). See Insiders, Sorted by Size or Insider Transactions. 
  • To screen for stocks with significant insider activity, type in the command INSD and hit <GO> (e.g. INSD <GO>). Use the drop-downs at the top of the screen to select country, sector, time period, and type of transaction. 
  • For more information on insiders type insider and hit the <Help> key (e.g. insider <Help>). 

Capital IQ (available in the Business Library): Search for the company you are interested in to access its profile. In the company profile, use the menu on the left to select Public Ownership under the Investors heading. In the Public Ownership summary, click the Insider Trading tab.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Aug 01, 2023     Views: 3314

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