How do I find a list of a company's competitors?

Mergent Online: Search for a company. In the company profile, select the Competitors tab in the menu bar.

Mergent Intellect: Within a company profile select the Company Details tab, then the Competitors List tab if available.

  • When using the basic search bar, ensure the "Results will only include U.S. Companies" is unchecked to see Canadian companies

Pitchbook (for private and public company information): Search for a company. In the company profile select the Similar Companies tab.

Marketline Advantage (for large companies): Click Companies, search or browse for a company, and click Peers within the company profile

Factiva: click on Companies/Markets and search a company name. Within the company snapshot, click Peer Comparison.

Nexis Uni: First, click on the Menu button at the top of the opening screen, and choose Company Dossier. Next:

  • Click Find a Company. Search for a company, then within the company profile see Company Information> Competitors if available, or select Industry Knowledge> Industry Overview to see top companies within its industry
  • OR click Create a Company List. Click the second dropdown menu and choose Competitors, then in the "For" box to the right enter a company name.
  • OR click Create a Company List. Enter a NAICS or SIC code to see a list of companies within a specific industry. You may also want to limit to a specific geographic area. You can also screen by sales or number of employees.

PrivCo (for private company information, primarily U.S. but some Canadian): For a list of top companies, click the magnifying glass to get to the advanced search page. On the left, select an industry checkbox (ex. Consumer Services > Restaurants), click search, then sort by "Revenue." You can also filter for a geographic location, private companies only, minimum/maximum revenue, etc.

Capital IQ (available in the Business Library): Search for a company. On the left side of the company profile, under the "Company Summary" heading click Competitors. For more information, click Quick Comps under the "Peer Analysis" heading.

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): Use the command line to enter a ticker symbol, hit the Equity key, type RV, and hit GO (e.g. AAPL US <Equity> RV <GO>).

EMIS: Click on Client Log In to enter the database. Search for a company. In the company profile, click the Similar Companies tab.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library.

Last Updated: Jul 27, 2023     Views: 4424

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