How do I find the institutional holdings of various stocks?

Mergent Online: Search for a company. In the company profile, click the Ownership tab. Then select the Institutional Holdings sub-tab.

Factiva: Click Companies/Markets in the top navigation menu. Search for a company. In the company profile, see the Ownership section.

Capital IQ (available in the library): Search for a company. In the company profile, look in the left margin for Investors.

Search Bloomberg (available in the Business Library).

For broad statistics on institutional ownership (total shares held, total number of owners, etc.):

    1. Enter the company's ticker symbol (e.g. IBM)
    2. Press the yellow EQUITY key
    3. Type DES4
    4. Press the green GO key

For detailed information (the individual names of the holders, the number of shares held, etc.):

    1. Enter the company's ticker symbol (e.g. IBM)
    2. Press the yellow EQUITY key
    3. Type HDS
    4. Press the green GO key

To search companies alphabetically or by size of holdings:

    1. Enter the company's ticker symbol (e.g. IBM)
    2. Press the yellow EQUITY key
    3. Type PHDC

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Aug 01, 2023     Views: 220

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