How do I find firms in the securities industry?

The NAICS code for Securities Brokerage is 52312.

The SIC code for Securities Brokerage is 6211.

These industry codes can be used with:

  • Mergent Intellect to find relevant firms. In the advanced search screen, click the Industry tab. Select the SIC Code or NAICS Code button, then click Enter/Upload SIC or NAICS Code. Enter either code above into the search box and click "Add to Criteria +". Scroll down and hit search. Add other criteria as necessary.
  • Mergent Online. Select either the Primary SIC or Primary NAICS radio button, and search the corresponding industry code
  • Nexis Uni. Click the Menu drop-down and choose Company Dossier. Select Create a Company List and enter the NAICS or SIC code into the corresponding search box. Add other criteria as necessary.
  • For emerging markets, EMIS. Click Client Log In in the top right corner. Select the Companies tab, then select Create a companies list. In the 'Quick Screener" tool, under "Industries", click NAICS. Click the drop-down menu and enter the NAICS code. Add other criteria as necessary.

Search for other NAICS and SIC Codes

Use Factiva. Click on Companies/Markets > Industry in the top navigation menu. Then choose Investing/Securities from the list. For a list of companies, click Peer Comparison in the menu to the left.

Use Capital IQ (available in the Business Library). Click on Screening > Companies in the top navigation menu. Select Industry Classification under the "Company Details" heading. Search for Security Brokers and Dealers and click the "Add Criteria" button. Add further criteria as necessary.

Use the Bloomberg terminal in the Business Library. In the Equity area do a Custom Search (QSRC) and set the Industry Groups to Investment Companies.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library.

Last Updated: Aug 24, 2023     Views: 463

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