How do I find dividend yields for indices and individual stocks?

Mergent Online: Use the Company Search to find and access its profile. If available for the company, dividend yield will be found in the banner at the top profile.

Pitchbook: Search for a company to view its profile. If available, dividend yield can be found in the Overview section. For historical data, you can chart the dividend yield within the Overview section by selecting the Fundamentals drop-down and checking Dividend Yield. A new Dividend Yield chart will appear below the overview chart. 

Nexis Uni: Use the Menu button in the top navigation menu to select Company DossierSearch for a company to access its dossier. Within the company dossier, select Financial Overview and go to the Ratio Analysis section to see the dividend yield if available. 

Factiva: Click Companies/Markets in the top navigation menu. Search for a company to access its snapshot. In the company snapshot, click Reports and choose Financial Health from the drop-down menu and view the report. Dividend Yield can be found in the Dividends table.

Financial Times (create an account with your email): To view a Dividend Yield chart. Click Visit Markets Data at the top of the home screen. Then click Equities in the menu at the top. Search for a company to view its profile. In the company profile click the Charts tab. In the menu to the right select Indicators, then use the Lower drop-down menu to select Dividend Yield.

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): Use the command line to type a ticker symbol, hit the equity key, type DVD, and press GO (e.g. AAPL US <Equity> DVD <GO>). 

Capital IQ (available in the Business Library): Search for a company or index to access its profile. Within the company/index profile, select Tearsheet under the Company Summary heading. For companies, the dividend yield can then be found in the Stock Quote and Chart table. For indices, it can be found in the Constituent Summary table. 

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Jul 31, 2023     Views: 4763

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