How do I find data on inflation (including cost of living CPI, PPI, etc.)?

Canadian resources:

Statistics Canada Consumer Price Index (CPI) portal

Statistics Canada Producer Price Indexes (PPI) portal

The Bank of Canada Inflation Calculator uses monthly consumer price index (CPI) data from 1914-present to show changes in the cost of a fixed "basket" of consumer purchases.

United States resources: 

Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index 

Bureau of Labor Statistics Producer Price Indexes

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Inflation Calculator can be used to determine the worth of the U.S. dollar from 1913-present.

International resources:

IMF Data: Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Fitch Connect: For inflation data on most countries, select Data Tools in the top navigation menu. Choose the Interactive Charts option. Choose a country using the select entities/geographies option. For the data item select an indicator from Macro-Economic > Inflation. Select a date range and a visualization option.

EMIS: Select Client Login in the top right corner. Then click the Countries tab. Choose the Macroeconomic Statistics and Forecasts icon. Choose a country in the drop-down to the left. Then select the Inflation and Price category and drill down to a select specific indicator like CPI or PPI. 

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): Use the command IFMO <GO> to pull up the Inflation Monitor screen. It displays key price data, forecasts, and other economic data for the study and tracking of inflation. 

Capital IQ (available in the Business Library): Select Charting > Chart Builder from the top menu. In the Select Entity search box, look up a geographic region (e.g. Canada). Click on the +Metrics button and search for CPI to add it to your chart. Data can be exported to Excel using the spreadsheet icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Statista: Keyword search for inflation, CPI, PPI, cost of living, etc. and use the Countries & Territories filter to limit results to a certain geographic location

UNCTAD Data Center: Under the Folders menu to the left select Economic Trends > Inflation Rates > Consumer price indices, annual. Or search "cpi" in the search box.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library.

Last Updated: Jul 31, 2023     Views: 2134

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