How do I find stock market indexes?

Factiva: Use for current and historical quotes for common market indexes. In the top navigation menu, hover over Companies/Markets and select Quotes. Use the Select Instrument drop-down menu to select Common Market Indexes. Then select an index from the list provided. 

Mergent Online: Browse and search for index constituents using the Basic search or Advanced search tools. 

Capital IQ (available in the Business Library):

  • Search for an index using the search box at the top of the screen. 
  • Use the Screening tool. Select Indices under the "Equity Details" heading and choose one or more index to see constituents Select Visit Markets Data in the top right corner. See major Equity Indexes by geographic region. 

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library):

  1. Choose INDEX, press GO, then click Equity under Markets
  2. Type WEI for a list of major indexes worldwide
  3. Type EMEQ for a list of emerging market indexes (Drill down from the initial screen to see complete lists)

WRDS: (Available to faculty, graduate students, and staff). Choose CRSP, then Indices

You can also check the following websites:

For constituent lists see our FAQ entry: How do I find constituent lists for stock indices? 

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Aug 01, 2023     Views: 412

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