How do I find advertising expenditures of companies?

Companies may report advertising expenditures and you can search for company financials using the following databases:

  • Mergent Online: Search for a company to view its profile. Within the company profile, click on the Company financials tab.
  • PitchBook: Search for a company to view its profile. In the company profile, select Financials in the menu to the left.
  • MarketLine: Click Companies in the top menu. Search for a company using the search box and select it to view its profile. In the company profile see the Financials tab in the menu to the left.
  • Winmo: Search for a brand or company and scroll down to Media Spend.

Standard Directory of Advertisers (Red Book) via Nexis Uni.

  • To search in the directory using the "Guided Search" function, select A Publication from the "What are you interested in?" box. In the "Find publication" box, search for Standard Directory of Advertisers. Then enter a company in the "Search for something specific?" box. Click on the company profile in the search results screen, and scroll to the Financials section.

Statista: Provide access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions. It also includes market forecasts, dossiers, industry reports, infographics, and more. Try searching for "ad spending" and your industry or a specific company (i.e. "and spending" footwear, "ad spending" Starbucks).

Adweek: Has news on advertising, media, and technology. 

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024     Views: 1574

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