How do I find stock prices?

Mergent Intellect: Search for a company (uncheck the "Results will only include U.S. Companies" to see Canadian and international companies). In the company profile, click the Financial Details tab. Then select the Price Chart or Historical Pricing sub-tab.

Mergent Online: Search for a company. In the company profile, click on the Equity Pricing tab.

Factiva: See Companies/Markets in the top navigation menu and select Quotes. In the "Get Quote" menu enter a company ticker symbol.

Pitchbook: Search for a company using the search box at the top of the screen. In the company profile, see the "Overview" section

Financial Times (create an account using your email): In the top navigation menu click Markets, then Markets Data. Search for a company, and in the company profile select the Charts tab.

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): Find your company and use the code HP for a table, GP for a graph. Bloomberg can export quotes for lists of companies. Use the Excel add-in to download a time series of the data.

Capital IQ (available in the Business Library): Find your company, look in the left margin for Chart Builder.

WRDS (available to faculty, graduate students, and staff): Select CRSP. CRSP can export data for lists of companies.

For historical prices for Canadian companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange use the CFMRC database.

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Last Updated: Aug 01, 2023     Views: 524

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