How do I find Canadian demographics by postal code?
SimplyAnalytics: Create an account to save your work, or sign in as a guest
Create a New Project
Enter the postal code as a location and select the corresponding Forward Sortation Area (for first 3 digits of a postal code) or Dissemination Area (for 6 digit postal codes) from the drop-down
Select Create project without seed variables
Choose the Map view
Select a demographic variable using the Data tab (e.g. Income > # Households by Income $100,000 or over), then click Done to see the variable mapped on your location
Select the "i" icon and click on the geographic area of interest to see a specific value for mapped data, rather than a range
Statistics Canada:
See the latest Census Profiles 2021: Search by place name or search a postal code to see demographic tables for corresponding geographic levels from province/territory to small dissemination areas.