Screen for IPOs by hovering over Companies & Deals and selecting IPOs. Add other criteria to your search as necessary.
To find the IPO date of a specific company, search for a company using the search box at the top of the screen. In the company profile, select Deal History from the menu on the left. Click on the IPO to see deal details.
To see a company's IPO date, enter their ticker symbol, type IPO, then press GO (e.g. AAPL US IPO <GO>).
Alternatively, you can type the ticker, hit the Equity key, type DES, and <GO> (e.g. AAPL US <Equity> DES <GO>) and then click the Issue Info tab.
Use the command IPO <GO> to monitor equity offerings
Toronto Stock Exchange Website: For Canadian companies, go to the Listings drop-down from the top navigation menu and select Listed Company Directory, then Recently Listed.