How do I find market trends for an industry?

Mintel Reports: Offers research reports covering Canadian, European, UK-specific, and US consumer markets. The reports analyze market drivers, sizes and trends, market segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits.

IBIS World: Search by keyword or NAICS code for industry reports. Within the reports see the Industry at a Glance > Key Trends or Industry Outlook sections.

Statista: Hover over Reports in the top navigation menu and select Digital & Trends. Then search relevant keywords and limit by geographic region using the "Regions/Countries" drop-down.

Pitchbook (instructions to create an account here): Search for an industry by keyword in the top search box. Then select the Industries & Verticals tab. Double-click an industry to view a full overview. In the overview, see the "Reports" heading and click Markets to see reports which often include information about market trends.

MarketLine Advantage: For information about consumer goods, energy, finance, healthcare and technology industries worldwide.

Fitch Connect: In the top navigation menu select Country Risk & Industry Research then click Industries and choose an industry. Then click the Reports tab. Refine geography as needed. Reports often include information on industry forecasts and trends.

Frost & Sullivan: Search for reports using relevant keywords. Use the Deliverables Types filter to limit reports to Mega Trends. 

RKMA Market Research Reports 

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library

Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023     Views: 294

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