Mintel Reports: Search for reports by keyword (e.g. hospitality, hotels).
IBIS World: Search for industry reports by keywords (hotels, food service, etc.) or use NAICS codes (721 or 722). Filter reports by country (Canada, US, China, and Global) if necessary.
MarketLine Advantage: Search for industry reports by keyword (e.g. hotels, foodservice). Use the filters on the left side of the search results page to refine results as needed.
Statista: Search for statistics and reports using keywords (e.g. hospitality, hotels). Use the "Countries & Territories" filter to prioritize results from particular countries/regions.
RMKA Market Research Reports: See the latest Travel & Tourism Market Research report.
Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): For the Bloomberg Intelligence Lodging dashboard, type BI LODG <GO> into the command line.
Plunkett's Airline, Hotel and Travel Industry Almanac
Leisure Tourism Database: Select the Hospitality Industry tab and then use keywords to search for articles about your topic.
Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Database (select from the list of available databases): Search for articles about specific topics within the industry.
American Hotel and Lodging Association
International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IHRA)
If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library.
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