Perform a search in our Library Catalogue: Try corporate philanthropy, corporate giving, etc. For news, search
Statista: Search keywords (e.g. corporate giving)
Grant Connect: Canadian resource that includes a Funder Search, Gift Explorer, People Seeker, and Quick Lookup searches. Try searching the name of a company to find related philanthropic organizations.
Candid: Use the 990 finder to find information on private foundations, public charities, and other nonprofits. Try searching the name of a company to find related philanthropic organizations.
Bloomberg BusinessWeek has an annual survey available since 2003, listing the largest 30 or so corporate contributors (cash and in-kind gifts). The information is based on about 200 returned questionnaires that BW sends to S&P 500 companies. This issue of BW also ranks the largest 50 individual charitable contributors.
If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library.
Last Updated: Jul 27, 2023 Views: 89