How do I find information on the wind energy industry?

IBIS World: Search for industry reports by keyword (e.g. wind, wind power, wind turbines) or search a related NAICS code. In the search results page you can filter reports by country (Canada, US, China, and Global).

BCC Research: Search for reports by keyword (e.g. wind, wind energy, wind turbines, renewable energy). 

First Research: Search for industry reports by keyword (e.g. wind, wind power, wind turbines) or search a related NAICS code.

MarketLine Advantage: Search renewable energy. Use the filters on the left side of the results page to limit results by geography. 

Fitch Connect: Use the search bar to search wind power. Alternatively, click Industries then choose Renewables, use the filters to refine results as needed.

Frost & Sullivan: Search by keyword using the "Quick Search" box, or click Browse (graph icon) then choose the Energy & Power Systems, followed by Renewable/Alternative Energy. Use the filters at the top of the page to refine results further. 

Statista: Search for statistics by keyword (e.g. wind, wind power, wind energy). Use the "Location Focus" drop-down to prioritize results from a certain country. 

Canadian Renewable Energy Association: See the By the Numbers pages for information on national, regional, and provincial wind markets. 

National Renewable Energy Laboratory: For US research and data on wind and other renewable energy sources. 

Search the library catalogue for the subject Wind power.

For articles, search ABI/INFORM and Business Source Complete

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library


Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023     Views: 74

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