Where can I find webpage/website traffic and webpage/website analytics information?

Pitchbook: (create an account with your @uwo.ca email) for data on social media followers, web traffic, web referals, mobile reviews and more. Search for a company. In the company profile, select Signals at the top of the profile.

Google Trends: For statistics on Google and Youtube searches. See the Trending Searches feature or investigate specific search terms using the Explore option. You can filter for specific regions, dates, and categories.

SimilarWeb: Explore traffic, referrals, and searches associated with a website.

StatCounter Global Stats: For statistics on browsers, search engines, operating systems, social media sites, and market share.

Statista: Try keyword searches such as website traffic, popular searches, etc. 

You may also need to search articles in ProQuest Business & Economics or Business Source Complete

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library.

Last Updated: Mar 07, 2024     Views: 68

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