How do I find data on housing and rental markets in Canada?

Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) Housing Market Stats: Includes MLS home price index tool, monthly stats, quarterly forecasts, and the national price map tool.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: The housing markets, data and research page provides up-to-date and historical information on housing and rental markets.

Statistics Canada Housing Statistics: Includes data on housing costs and affordability, housing price indexes, housing and living arrangements, vacancy rates, and more.

Canadian Rental Housing Index: Includes information on renters, renter households, cost, affordability, overspending, and more. 

Statista: Search keywords like housing, rental, real estate, etc. Then on the search results screen use the Countries & Territories filter to limit results to Canada.

MarketLine: For industry reports, including data, search keywords like real estate or residential construction and filter geography to Canada using the limiter menu on the left.

IBIS World: Search for real estate, apartment rental, residential building/construction or try NAICS code 531 for industry reports including data.

Conference Board of Canada's eLibrary: Search for the latest Industry Lens: Residential Construction report.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library.

Last Updated: Jul 27, 2023     Views: 422

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