How do I find census and demographic information by neighbourhood?
Canadian Community Demographics & Statistical Data
SimplyAnalytics – Sign in as a guest, or create an account to save work.
- Select New Project and enter a location (e.g. London, ON)
- Select Create project without seed variables
- Select the Map view by clicking “Create”
- Choose a variable of interest from the Data menu (e.g. Household Income)
- Select Done to create the map using the selected Location and Data
- Zoom in or out to see different geographic regions from large provinces to small dissemination areas
- Select the “i” icon and click a geographic region to see the specific value for mapped data rather than a range
Statistics Canada:
- See the latest Census Profiles 2021: Search by place name or search a postal code to see demographic tables for corresponding geographic levels from province/territory to small dissemination areas.
- Search using the StatsCan GeoSearch tool.
- Use the map to zoom in to a location or search a location name/postal code using the search bar
- Scroll below the map to view data and analysis on the area specified in the map including census profiles
- Canada at a Glance
- Population and Demography
- Census of Canada (2016)
- Census of Canada (2011)
- National Household Survey (2011)
Province/Territory and City Resources:
- London Neighbourhood Profiles 1996-2016
- Ottawa Neighbourhood Profiles A-Z
- City of Toronto Neighbourhoods & Communities
British Columbia
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
- Statistics and Data
- Socio-economic Web Portal (Community-Specific Information)
Northwest Territories
If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library.
Last Updated: Jul 27, 2023 Views: 3117
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