How do I find information on brand names?

For a list of a company's brands:

Nexis Uni: Select the Menu drop-down at the top of the screen. Select Company Dossier. Search for a company. In the company profile select Company Information > Brands in the menu to the left. 

MarketLine: For a listing of a company's brands. Search for and select a company. In the company overview, select the Profile tab in the menu on the left. Brands are listed in the "Products & Services" section. 

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): To see a list of brands associated with a company, search and display the company and enter RELS.

For statistics on brands:

Statista: Keyword search for brand statistics (e.g. frozen pizza brands) 

Other resources: 

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library

Last Updated: Jul 22, 2024     Views: 142

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