How do I find information on a very specific or niche industry?

Mintel Reports: Search topics by keywords or browse by category. Use the region, trend drivers, and demographics filter to further refine results. 

IBIS World: Search topics by keyword or NAICS code. Includes a selection of Ontario provincial reports. Includes specialized industry reports for U.S. industries. 

Pitchbook (instructions to create an account here): Using the search box at the top of the screen, search for an industry by keyword. Then select the Verticals & Industry tab. Double-click an industry to view a full overview

MarketLine Advantage: Search topics by keyword. 

First Research: Enter your email to access the database. Search industries by keywords, NAICS code or browse industry profiles.

  • For Canadian reports, use the Canadian Results filter on the search results page. Or click International in the main menu. Then see industries under the "Canadian Profiles" heading.

​Factiva: In the top navigation menu, hover over Companies/Markets and click Industry. Select a specific industry to view a profile. 

Statista: Keyword search for statistics on a particular industry or topic.

  • To find industry reports only, click Reports in the top navigation menu and select Industry Reports. Search reports by keyword. Refine by geographic region as needed.

Search the following databases for articles:

Look for an Industry/NAICS field within advanced search screens to limit results to a particular industry 

Industry information can also be found from industry associations.

  • Use Google or another search engine to search for associations relevant for your industry in your location. If you don't find a relevant industry association, try broadening your geographic area (e.g. from Ontario to Canada, or from Canada to the U.S. or international). If your industry is very specialized or new, look for associations for broader or similar industries. Try searching terms like industry association, industry group, trade group, or trade organization and the name of your topic.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library

Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023     Views: 199

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