How do I find information on non-profit organizations?
Search in our Library Catalogue by SUBJECT - search for NonProfit Organizations or Nonprofit Corporations or Charities AND Canada
Use Mergent Intellect to build a list of organizations. The needed NAICS industry code is 8132. Results can be limited to local geographic areas.
A Canadian database to try is Grant Connect (Imagine Canada). Grant Connect provides searchable, detailed information on all Canadian grantmaking foundations, hundreds of corporate community investment programs, as well as government funding programs and American foundations that will fund Canadian charities.
For statistics on giving in Canada see
Canada Revenue Agency - Charities and Giving
Information for charities and listings of registered charities in Canada.
Canada Without Poverty
An NPO and charitable organization dedicated to the elimination of poverty in Canada.
Canadian Council on Social Development
An NPO for developing and promoting progressive social policies inspired by social justice, equality and the empowerment of individuals and communities.
Charity Village
Job postings, resources, articles and events in the Canadian non-profit sector. The number one site for non-profit listings in Canada.
Imagine Canada
A registered charitable organization whose mission it is to support and strengthen charities and nonprofits in Canada.
Starting a Non-Profit or Charity
A guide from Charity Village.
Voluntary Sector Initiative
An initiative between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector to enhance their relationship and strengthen the sector's capacity.
Volunteer Alberta Resource Centre
Resources provided by Volunteer Alberta.
Volunteer Canada
An organization committed to increasing and supporting volunteerism.
For US non-profits, try Candid which provides Form 990 (IRS returns). Also see the Catalogue of Nonprofit Literature
See the Urban Institute - Center on NonProfits and Philanthropy
1) Grant and Proposal Writing
Search in our Library Catalogue for these subjects:
Fund raising.
Nonprofit organizations - Finance.
Proposal writing for grants.
Research grants.
General: Proposals & Grants
- Candid Learning
- Minnesota Council of Foundations: Writing a Successful Grant Proposal
2)`Granting Agencies
Humanities/Academia Specific
- Grants and Grant Proposal Writing
- Institute of Museum and Library Services (US)
- Joseph Levine - Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Grant Proposals (or Give me the money!)
- Canadian Institute of Health Research: Guidebook for New Principal Investigators
- McGill University: Resources for Preparing Grant Applications
- National Science Foundation: Guide for Proposal Writing
If you require further assistance, please contact the Business library
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