Where can I find lists of suppliers?

Online directories:

Mergent Online:

  • To find a list of suppliers for a company search the name of the company. In the company profile click the Supply chain tab, then select the Suppliers sub-tab.
  • To find a list of companies by industry select the Basic search tab. In the "Classification Search" box select SIC, NAICS, or ICB and enter an industry code.

S&P Capital IQ (available in the Business Library): To find a list of suppliers for a company search the name of the company. In the company profile, click Suppliers in the menu to the left under the "Business Relationships" heading.

Bloomberg (available in the Business Library): For a supply chain analysis of a company, use the command line to enter a ticker, then hit the equity key, type SPLC and hit GO (e.g. AAPL US <Equity> SPLC <GO>).

For industry supply chain information see IBIS World: Search for an industry by keyword or NAICS code. In the industry report click the Products & Markets tab and select Supply Chain. It will identify all industries that have a direct and indirect impact on the supply chain.

Search for articles from trade publications, which may mention a company's supply chain, using ABI/INFORM Collection and Business Source Complete.

If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Library

Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023     Views: 439

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